BOOST YOUR PRODUCTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE THROUGH BETTER FOCUS AND CONCENTRATIONFocus and concentration are utterly important to get the things done whether it be in your work, creativity, studies or anything else. But how do you improve them? There are multiple ways to do that, but one of the most efficient way is through meditation and mindfulness practices. Because that is exactly what you do in meditation – you train your ability to stay focused on something – it can be your breath, your physical sensations or even your thoughts or feelings. If you try it, you will find it extremely difficult to watch and keep your attention on any little thing, your breath for instance, longer than a few seconds. And that’s what happens when we work or study or do anything else. We are constantly struggling with the wandering attention to keep it focused on what we do right here right now. Refocus was designed to train your focus and concentration muscles so you can stay present to whatever you are doing. Refocus will be sending you short meditation and mindfulness assignments throughout your day, at a frequency that you configure. These assignments will take only a few minutes to complete but they will help you to improve your ability to stay focused and concentrated. Here are a few benefits of being able to focus and concentrate better:
• Better decision making, attention, memory and learning• Less stress, depression, pain and anxiety• Calmness, relaxation and balance• Control of thoughts and reactions• Improved intuition, clarity and understanding• Better handling of feelings and emotions
Many scientific studies prove a positive correlation between meditation and mindfulness practices and an improved focus and concentration. Training your focus and concentration can take time, but with regular and consistent practice, you will notice the first results quite soon.Refocus is only giving you tools that you can then continue practicing on your own. As you might know 80% of work is done in just 20% of time, and this is the time when you are the most focused and concentrated. Start getting more things done, in less time, so that you can enjoy life besides work and studies. Install Refocus now and explore your potentials!